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C++ is the primary language I use for software projects I develop. I have been using C++ for over a year and in that time have developed multiple small projects using AIEs bootstrap application. These projects range from games to systems commonly found in most video games, such as AI, graphics and physics. I enjoy programming in this language and am really eager to learn even more.

AI For Games

One of my subjects while at AIE was AI commonly found in games and systems used to implement this AI. The project I submitted is a small maze game where you must escape the maze with other survivors while avoiding the monster. This game was not completed, but contains all the necessary AI features needed to make it work.

Flow Field
Building grid that supports path-finding algorithms (AStar, Flow Fields)

This project offers multiple AI focused systems, which include:

  • Grid, Graph and Navigation Mesh containers

  • Simple, Steering and Flocking behaviors

  • Finite State Machines and Decision Trees

  • Shared Behavior Tree design with associated Blackboards

  • Path finding algorithms including Dijkstra, AStar and Flow Fields

  • Path smoothing for NavMesh using Simple Stupid Funnel Algorithm

Computer Graphics

Computer graphics was a subject I learned and grew fascinated with while at AIE. For my assignment, I decided to make a small little library that could be used to make games by offering a ready to go application that supported 3D rendering with models, lighting, post processing and fonts already supported.


This project features multiple graphics based functionality:

  • Deferred rendering (deffered lighting)

  • Post-Processing effects

  • Dynamic lighting

  • Loading and rendering meshes and models

  • CPU and GPU particles (using compute and geometry shaders)

  • Batched rendering for text

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