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Bloom Industries

Project Eden a third person shooter featuring multiple different enemies to face, weapons to obtain and powers to use. You are hired to investigate a research facility gone cold, only to learn that an outbreak has occurred and now all the facility members have turned into hideous plant monsters. You can either tackle the threat head on or stealth your way pass as you scavenge and recover the facilities research data.

This project was developed in Unreal Engine 4 in four months by a team of four consisting of one designer, two artists and myself as the teams programmer. The games core functionality was built in C++, with blueprints inheritance implementing events and aesthetics.

Ash Blueprint
Melee Combat

The game contains four different weapons, three of them being guns and a singular melee weapon. Each gun has a unique primary and secondary ability, with these abilities ranging from hit-scan, projectiles and area of effects. The melee weapon features a small combo system where the combo string can be continued by pressing the melee button at appropriate times.

The player is able to utilize four different powers to help them approach each situation. These powers range from invisibility that prevents the player from being seen by monsters, inspecting the area that highlights monsters and interactive objects, AI assistance that distracts and attacks monsters and energy armor that buffs damage resistance and speed. These powers work off an energy meter that will gradually recharge when certain powers are not in use.

Projectile Monster

Four different monsters are featured in Project Eden, with two core types and two variations of those types. The first type is a close range monster that will attempt to close the distance and swipe at the player. The second type is a far range monster that shoots projectiles with prediction at the player while keeping its distance. The AI for the monster utilizes the behavior tree and Environmental Query System (EQS) offered by Unreal Engine 4 for both their movement and methods of attack.

To account for the games length, a saving and checkpoint system is implemented to record the players progress as the play the game. Actors that implement the SaveGame interface are eligable for being saved to and loaded from disk. This actors are also able to serialize any data they wish to be recorded at each checkpoint

Project Eden
Project Eden
Project Eden
Project Eden

Project Eden Trailer

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